Mansour Eshqoor
Project Manager
Mansour Eshqoor’s work with the City of Toronto, Bell Canada, and role in consulting engineering teams for international projects allows him to afford our Canadian clients with a quality of work seen from only the most seasoned professionals. Mr.Eshqoor has a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering (Structural) from Waterloo University in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
Areas Mr. Eshqoor specializes in include; geotechnical analysis, reinforced concrete, and foundations. He ensures that each designed structure adheres to safety requirements and provides cost effectiveness without compromising structural integrity.
Due to his experience working with different municipalities, Mr. Eshqoor is able to negotiate additional adjustments to the residential properties of clients for renovation and rebuilding.
Prashanta Paneru, P.E.
Bridget Leifeste
Office Manager

The expertise provided by Sarab Structural & Civil Engineers, PLLC is reflected in the vast amount of experience and excellence provided by our engineers.

"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The Sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."
Here at Sarab Structural & Civil Engineers, PLLC we believe that numbers don't lie. The amount of knowledge, expertise, and certifications we have prove us to be the most qualified firm for the job, saving you time, and money. You do the math.